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Open Source Contributions


NETFLIX Data Analysis and Visualization

In detail analysis of Netflix growing library and its reach in the world

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Anomaly Detection in Electricity Usage

Detecting Anomalies for a Electricity Grid at various sites

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Forecast of Sales of a Store

Prediction of the sales of 30490 products in Walmart Store for 28 — 100 days into the future

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Find Amenities in a House

Detecting amenities in a House - An AIRBNB inspiration

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Investigating Multimodal Density - Sampling Method

Exploration of Monte Carlo Markov chain and Metropolis algorithm in real-time scenarios

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Health Insurance Companies’ Risk Exposure

Developed a decision-making model for health insurance companies to assess their financial risk exposure from policyholders

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Image classification and Object Detection

Image classification using various machine learning concepts taught in the classroom

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Open Source Contributions

Atlassian Deployment Triggers

Uses Async call to lucene index for super fast autocompletion to address performance issue loading config.

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Added Docker Build Status Badge to

Added a shield for Docker Hub builds indicating state of last build

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Not all pull requests are glorious code, documentation is really important too! This commit fixed some invalid JSON found in some example specs.

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Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink